Soren – Join Me on My Adventures!

Soren - Englishman River

Vancouver Island is a place to visit for people of all ages. Join Soren as he tells us about some of his amazing adventures right here on Vancouver Island!

1. Who are you and how long have you lived on Vancouver Island?

My name is Soren and my parents own and run Vancouver Island Expeditions.  I have lived on Vancouver Island for my entire life! (almost two years)

2. When you aren’t sleeping, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love spending time in the kitchen with my Daddy and Mommy. Dinner time is fun time, always eating something different. I eat everything, but anything that comes with a dipping sauce is the best! I’m a big help in the kitchen too. I climb up on my stool so I can hold the bowl and even use a whisk. Cooking with my parents is the best!

I also love going to the park. We go to many different parks all around Vancouver Island.  I especially like watching the ducks at the pond, quack quack! We go on lots of hikes, Daddy carries me in a special backpack so I can see where we’re going. Sometimes he even lets me throw rocks into the rivers or ocean, those are my favourite days!Soren - coffee

3. What do you like most about travelling?

I like travelling because it means spending time with my Mommy and Daddy and seeing lots of new things. My first real trip was to meet our family in Norway when I was only three months old. I got to meet all sorts of nice people and even ride on a train! We went to Iceland and I got to try swimming for the first time – in a hot spring! It was the best bath ever although I was not a big fan of the cold air when I came out of the water!

4. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have 3 things, what would they be?

First, a great big cow.  That way we could always have milk and yogurt.  I love drinking milk and eating yogurt!

Secondly, my toque as it always keeps my head nice and warm when we go for hikes or beach walks.  Plus, my daddy always wears a toque when we’re out and I like being just like him!

Finally, I would bring my music player.  I love to dance and everything is more fun with music!