My Place – Christina Carlson

Everyone has a special place, a place where you have memories, where you can find peace and harmony. A place where you know you are just happy being there. For some it’s a quiet place, for others it’s a noisy place. But all of these places have one thing in common; they are places where you think of first when asked “Where is Your Place?”.

1. Who are you and how long have you lived on Vancouver Island?

My name is Christina and I was born and raised on Vancouver Island. I’m a Tourism Management student, and before that I spent a few years working in health care.

2. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I’m a typical introvert, so my hobbies include reading, puzzles, hanging out with my cats and going for hikes.

3. Where on Vancouver Island is “Your Place”?

I recently took a trip up to Port Renfrew for the first time and quickly became enamored with the place. The west coast of the Island is spectacular as a rule, but what first appealed to me about Port Renfrew was the seclusion. Driving down Pacific Marine Rd. surrounded by fall colours with hardly any other cars around was a treat in and of itself. There is no reception in this area of Vancouver Island except for wifi, making it a great place for a weekend getaway.

While Port Renfrew is still a commercial fishing and forestry town, it’s also known as a fantastic destination for hiking and surfing, not to mention the fishing charters. Standing near the top of highway 14, visitors should definitely take advantage of the many nearby beaches that boast spectacular scenery. The Botany Bay/Botanical Beach loop is located just outside of town in the Botanical Beach Provincial Park. If you’ve only got a few hours to spend, it’s certainly do-able. If you’ve got a little more leisure time, you can take your pick of amazing beaches to choose from along the highway.

We settled on Sombrio Beach and were not disappointed. We passed families young and old, not to mention plenty of surfers on the trail, as the weather was mild and the waves were high. The sea isn’t the only draw, however. The lush forest is home to an abundance of wildlife in the area.

No sooner had we decided to head back to our car than we were warned about a black bear on the beach. I’d never come that close to a bear before, so it was unexpected to say the least! We snapped a few quick shots from a safe distance before heading back to our cabin.

There are no bad choices when it comes to destinations on Vancouver Island. For now though, I’m planning my return trip to Port Renfrew!

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