For our Off the Eaten Path dinner series, we sought to create a farm-to table dining experience that truly reflected the agricultural landscape of Vancouer Island. For our second dinner, we drew inspiration from our friends and business partners at the Longwood Brewery. Specifically, we drew inspiration from the local hops farm that sources much of the hops used in their beer! Cedar Valley Hops is located south of Nanaimo and their products have been used in many of the local breweries and distilleries on the island.

Hops grown at Cedar Valley Hops Farm
While some might consider hosting a dinner at a hops farm unconventional, no one can deny that it makes for a uniquely beautiful location. And what better way to add to the experience than to make Longwood Brewery beer available as a pairing? Taste the product while surrounded by the source!

Longwood brews surrounded by Cedar Valley hops
For our choice of food pairing, we wanted to do something a little different while equally special. Farm’s Gate Foods and Catering is a Cowichan-based catering venture wholly dedicated to using local products. Their drive to ‘go local’ stems from what they describe as, “a sense of respect and admiration for the work it takes to produce the ingredients used in our recipes.” Their love of all things local pairs well with our choice of local beer and wine!

Amazing, local food prepared with the utmost care by Farm’s Gate Foods and Catering
Our second dinner will be taking place on August 16th. Interested in taking part? You better be quick as only a handful of tickets are left for this long table dinner, so check out our facebook page, or contact us directly!